
Creating your personal one-pager called ‘Energy Change Paper’  is one of the requirements of the course Energy Acadamy Certificate if you’re not able to obtain 30 ECTS in interdisciplinary energy courses at Hanze UAS or University of Groningen.

How does it work?  

  • Choose a topic. This can be anything; a learning activity, a news item, a general topic  
  • Think of a creative idea that could accelarate the energy transition with regard to this topic
  • Explain your idea in 1 page. The idea has to be unique and creative (see examples below for inspiration)
  • Divide the paper in three chapters: 1. Problem, 2. Solution and 3. Critical reflection
  • Create a nice lay out; like you’re going to publish this in a magazine


Note, it’s optional to justify your ideas with scientific research, not mandatory. 


To help you write your Energy Change Paper, we have some examples for you. Click on the image to open the paper.