Please note that this is a replay of the lecture from September 16. The Kahoot won’t work.

The energy transition is the transition from fossil energy to clean and renewable energy. During our opening lecture of the year, you will get to know where we stand and what is needed to reach our goals. We invited one of the best speakers, to give you the best start! Join us and be well prepared for the rest of the activities. 

  • Get to know the complexity of the energy transition 
  • Learn what is needed to reach our goals 
  • Find out what the transition entails on a global and regional level 

The energy transition might be the biggest transitions we faced as mankind. It is too complex to cover all of it in one lecture. The lecture starts with a global overview of the energy transition. Next, we zoom in on the region of North Western Europe to understand the challenges and complexity of transitioning to an affordable, sustainable, and secure energy system. 


This activity can be used for the certificate ‘Global Energy Dynamics’

  • Thu 16 September
  • 15:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
  • Online

Petter Nore

Petter Nore works as a professor at Nord University Business School, Bodø Norway and is also Senior Consultant in the section for Renewable Energy and responsible for hydrogen in the Norwegian Development Agency (Norad).