Examples for obtaining the Energy Academy Certificate

Bachelor – Minor Energy

Open to all bachelor students from the University of Groningen.

  • This is an interdisciplinary Energy minor by which you obtain the required 30 ECTS.

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Bachelor – Minor Future Planet Innovation + energy courses

Open to all bachelor students from the University of Groningen.

  • This minor generates 15 ECTS (out of 30 needed) in interdisciplinary Energy Education.
  • When you focus your project on energy transition, you obtain another 15 ECTS of Energy Education.
  • You can also add 15 ECTS of Energy Education from your own field of study:
    • Physics: ‘Geo-energy’ (5 ECTS), ‘Energy from Gas’ (5 ECTS).
    • Chemistry: ‘Bioenergy, Metabolism and Bioresources’ (5 ECTS), ‘Solar cells’ (5 ECTS).
    • Psychology: ‘Social environment and behaviour’ (5 ECTS), ‘Social Influence’ (5 ECTS).
    • Human Geography: ‘Environment and Engineering’ (5 ECTS), ‘Planning and Environment’ (5 ECTS).

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Bachelor – Physics: track Energy and Environment

  • Collect (at least) 20 ECTS from your field of study:
    • Introduction to Energy & Environment 1 (5 ECTS)
    • Introduction to Energy & Environment 2 (5 ECTS)
    • Geo-energy (5 ECTS)
    • Nuclear energy (5 ECTS)
    • Solar Cells (5 ECTS)
    • Energy from Gas (5 ECTS)
  • Follow the course ‘Global Challenges’ (10 ECTS). This generates 10 ECTS of energy education outside your field of study.

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Bachelor + Master – Business Administration + Strategic Innovation Management

During the Bachelor-phase: you obtain 10 ECTS of energy education outside your field of study;

  • Technical Thermodynamics, 5 ECT (FSE)
  • Global Change, 5 ECTS (FSE)

During the Master phase you can obtain 20 ECTS of energy education within your own field of study (Business). Choose between:

  • Energy Transition and Innovation, 5 ECTS
  • Economics of Regulating Energy Markets, 5 ECTS
  • Master’s thesis about energy transition, 20 ECTS

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> I want to follow this academic plan (bachelor)

> I want to follow this academic plan (master)


Master – Energy and Environmental Sciences

This is an interdisciplinary energy Master, which will normally fulfil the requirements of the certificate. Please submit your academic plan and we will check whether it meets our guidelines.

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