Robin Heersema
Project member Energy Learning Activities
If you are a student at the University of Groningen, there is one minor (Energy) which will immediately give you the 30 ECTS you need for the Energy Academy Certificate. All other academic plans will be judged on a case by case basis. The student’s academic plan should contain different disciplines, ideally 20 ECTS within your own subject area/faculty and 10 ECTS outside. If the examples below are not suited to your situation, see our FAQ for more information or contact Sarah Jane Fuchs.
Open to all bachelor students from the University of Groningen.
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
Open to all bachelor students from the University of Groningen.
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
During the Bachelor-phase: you obtain 10 ECTS of energy education outside your field of study;
During the Master phase you can obtain 20 ECTS of energy education within your own field of study (Business). Choose between:
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
This is an interdisciplinary energy Master, which will normally fulfil the requirements of the certificate. Please submit your academic plan and we will check whether it meets our guidelines.
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
Project member Energy Learning Activities