Jacqueline Joosse
Coordinator Innovatiewerkplaats EnTranCe
If you are a student at Hanze UAS, various energy minors and masters are available that lead you to obtain 30 ECTS of interdisciplinary energy education. The educational programme is divided into three subject areas: Business, Society and Technology. Every programme has its own required spread of ECTS between the subject areas. You attend courses in your own and other fields by a required spread of (at least) 30 ECTS. If the examples below are not suited to your situation, see our FAQ for more information or contactJacqueline Joosse.
Required distribution: 20 ECTS Technical, 5 ECTS Society and 5 ECTS Business.
Follow the courses:
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
Required distribution: 5 ECTS Technical, 20 ECTS Society and 5 ECTS Business
Follow the courses:
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
Required distribution: 5 ECTS Technical, 5 ECTS Society and 20 ECTS Business
Follow the courses:
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
>> I want to follow this Energy Track
Required distribution: 20 ECTS Technical, 5 ECTS Society and 5 ECTS Business
Follow the courses:
Add 10 Energy Learning Activities to obtain the Energy Academy Certificate.
After succesfull completing your masterprogramme EMRE* you also fulfill the requirement for the 30 ECTS of interdisciplinary energy education.
*For the other masters (SESyM and Energy for Society) it works the same way.
Coordinator Innovatiewerkplaats EnTranCe