Robin Heersema
Project member Energy Learning Activities
We scraped together the most frequently asked questions over the past couple of years. Hopefully you find your answers here. If not, don’t hesitate and contact us!
When you have participated in 10 Energy Learning Activities and obtained 30 ECTS of interdisciplinary energy education at the Hanze UAS or University of Groningen, please let us know by filling out the contact form. We will check your progress and inform you about further steps.
The New Energy Academy Programme is accessible to all students! Our Learning Activities are open to everyone. Energy courses can be followed in both the Bachelor and Master programmes from the Hanze UAS and University of Groningen.
Everyone is able to participate in our Energy Learning Activities. As a vocational student you are able to obtain the Declaration of Participation by attending 10 Learning Activities. For now the Energy Academy Certificate is only available for students from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the University of Groningen.
Yes! You can add the Energy Academy Certificate on your personal LinkedIn page. Go to ‘Add profile section’ and select ‘Licenses and certifications’. Here you can enter ‘Energy Academy Certificate’ under ‘name’ and ‘Energy Academy’ under ‘Issuing Organisation’. You can do the same for the ‘Energy Academy Declaration of Participation’.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the activites of New Energy Academy. But we mainly focus on students.
Yes, you can use the Energy Learning Activities up to four years ago to obtain your certificate.
To check how many Energy Learning Activities you participated in you can check with us by filling out the contact form. We will check your progress in our database and get back to you as soon as possible.
Yes, there are some ELA’s that count for multiple programmes. For example, an ELA for the Northern Energy Region programme, can also count for the programme ‘Energy Transition Challenged’.
The FEB Energy Focus Area covers 30 ECTS of energy courses. However the Master’s focus area has a Business perspective and is not interdisciplinary enough for the Energy Academy Certificate. You will have to follow at least 10 ECTS worth of energy courses from other programmes. Check out the examples or aks us for recommendations.
Interdisciplinary energy education means that you study the subject of energy through multiple disciplines and from multiple viewpoints. This deepens your understanding of the topic and allows you to see it in a wider context.
Yes, some faculties offer courses or programmes with an interdisciplinary character. We consider these courses or programmes as interdisciplinary.
For example:
Yes, you can! The programmes are not the same and you can decide what you want to focus on! Join as many programmes as you like.
That isn’t a problem, your ELA’s will still be registered, and if they are part of the other programme, they can count for your other programme.
It doesn’t matter how long you take to complete your programme. New Energy Academy will register your activities and save your information up to 8 years.
Once a year, there will be a graduation ceremony and the certificate will be distributed.
You don’t have to do anything. You will be administrated as a participant in this course and the requirements will stay the same for you. At least, if you manage to fulfil the requirements during this academic year (’21-’22). That means that you participate in 10 Energy Learning Activities and you will be awarded with the Declaration.
If you’d like to change towards the new course ‘Energy Transition Challenged’, just let us know and we will change it for you. The Energy Learning Activities you’ve joined will still count.
Project member Energy Learning Activities