By generating more sustainable energy in the Europe itself and working towards a single European energy network, the energy supply in the EU should become more reliable, cleaner and cheaper. As expected, this comes with a challenge. The sustainable energy has to be transported. How do we realize and maintain a solid energy grid?  

  • Get to know the complexity of grid balancing 
  • Learn about distributed grids technologies and the integration of renewable energy  
  • Find out what the challenges of the legal framework are 

What does it mean to work with the integration of renewable energy into the present- and future grid? Today’s lecture will look what the potential uses of electronic and communication applications bring to distributed generation. At the same time, the legal framework in the field of renewable energy and distributed generation is crucial with cross-border cooperations.

This activity can be used for the following certificates:

  • Energy Academy Certificate
  • Energy Transition Challenged
  • Global Energy Dynamics


  • Thu 2 June
  • 21:00 - 22:00 (CEST)
  • Online