What is the potential of our oceans?

  • Get the know the global potential of ocean energy 
  • Find out about the possible changes of these renewable form of energy 
  • Learn about practical case studies of ocean energy 


Wave energy, floating offshore wind energy, marine tidal currents, and multipurpose offshore platforms powered by renewable energy sources. All topics that are gaining attention in recent years. Over the globe, there is more than half a million km coastline. Some of it is not suitable to produce energy, but there are great opportunities to make use of the power of nature. 

This activity can be used for the following certificates:

  • Energy Academy Certificate
  • Energy Transition Challenged
  • Thu 7 April
  • 15:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
  • Online

Juan Portillo

Offshore renewable energy systems at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon