- Get to know how Grunneger Power is organised
- Find out about the challenges of grassroot initiatives
- Learn about the possibility of starting a community-owned project
With over 2.600 members Grunneger Power is one of the biggest sustainable energy cooperatives in The Netherlands. The organisation has been active for 12,5 years already and it exists for and because of Groningers. They make Groningen a sustainable municipality in the most honest way; together with its inhabitants.
That comes with various projects: from building community-owned solar parks to helping smaller grassroot initiatives in neighborhoods and villages sprout. In this way those initiatives can take matters in their own hands in their surroundings. Grunneger Power always works closeby. In the neighborhoods, together with the people who live there. Therefore Groningers have and keep having influence in the transition to sustainable energy in their own municipality. Grunneger Power believes that only together we can make our surroundings green and sustainable.