Biomimetics - Nature Based Solutions

  • Learn how nature is used to improve technologies
  • Find out about the bioinspired solutions for engineering and societal challenges
  • See how years of evolution have optimized designs in nature

The RUG Researchers study how organisms evolved to function successfully in their complex environments as inspiration to improve technology and engineering design. Their focus is primarily, but not exclusively, on aquatic and aerial behaviours including feeding, swimming and flight. Informed by their scientific findings, they develop new biomimetic and bioinspired solutions for engineering and societal challenges. Their technological focus is on energy harvesting, energy use efficiency, environmental cleanup and autonomous robotics. To accomplish their research and innovation goals and translate their findings to society, they collaborate with leading scientist, engineers and companies locally, nationally and globally.

  • Tue 12 March
  • 15:00 - 16:15 (CET)
  • Energy Academy Europe
    Nijenborgh 6
    9747 AG Groningen, NL

dr. Eize Stamhuis

UHD/Assoc. Prof. Exp. Mariene Zoologie & Biomimetica